How to make sure you don’t look over done?

Celebrate quirks and authenticity; Wabi-sabi has found its way into the world of facial aesthetics.

Rather than striving for a cookie-cutter ideal of beauty, practitioners are embracing the unique qualities and character of each individual's face.

Wabi-sabi is a concept that encourages us to embrace our differences and accept the natural cycle of life.

Everything in life, including us, is in a state of flux. Change is the only constant, everything is transient, and nothing is ever complete.

By practicing wabi-sabi, we are taught to be grateful and accepting and strive for excellence rather than perfection.

There is no such thing is perfect. It is the imperfections, the uniqueness, the genuine acceptance of your honest individuality that makes you, Beautifully You.

Serving proportions, harmony and balance, delivered with care, kindness, and compassion; an outcome and results focused approach to enable you to express your best authentic You.

No longer distracted by lines, wrinkles, blemishes or folds, or expressions that no longer represent you. After your visit here, you are empowered with confidence in the skin you are in.

This approach emphasises natural authentic, effortless, honest results in a look that is both real and beautiful.

In a world where there is so much noise , we are bombarded with images of "perfect" unattainable, unrealistic faces that have been heavily retouched and filtered, the wabi-sabi approach is refreshing. It allows us to celebrate our individuality and embrace expressions which are often seen as flaws. Rather than trying to erase every wrinkle and line, we work with our natural features to create a look that is unique and authentic.

This approach is not just about aesthetics; it's also about embracing a philosophy of acceptance and mindfulness. By accepting and embracing our nuances, differences and quirks, we cultivate a sense of inner peace and contentment. We can let go of the pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty and instead focus on being our authentic selves.

In the field of facial aesthetics, the wabi-sabi approach is gaining popularity as practitioners and patients alike recognise the value of authenticity and individuality. Rather than striving for a "perfect" appearance, we can embrace a kinder healthier approach. By doing so, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace and acceptance that goes far beyond our physical appearance.

The noise of society’s pressures; assumptions, expectations and judgements, weigh heavy.

Together, with ourselves, as our own worst critic, we feel obliged to conform to the shape of others. There is another way. House of Ikigai was created to reconnect you, to your brilliant truth. Providing you clinical skin health and medical cosmetic treatments and services, delivered by our skin specialists & medical cosmetic clinicians.

The noise of society’s pressures; assumptions, expectations and judgements, weigh heavy.

Together, with ourselves, as our own worst critic, we feel obliged to conform to the shape of others. There is another way.

House of Ikigai was created to reconnect you, to your brilliant truth. Providing you clinical skin health and medical cosmetic treatments and services, delivered by our skin specialists & medical cosmetic clinicians.

By embracing Wabi-sabi, you become more mindful, of you, respecting you more, and avoid chasing the goal of perfection into oblivion.

That is why beauty is not shallow. Beauty is so deep, into our very being. It has existed from the beginning of time. The pursuit of beauty has always been, is always is, and will forever be, for as long as we connect with others. You deserve peace, and joy, and happiness in your wellbeing. Aesthetics is to make you feel and become better, not to have you feel less than. Let us remind you, you are enough.

If you like this approach book in today.


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