By Dream Outcome

Your Authentic Expression

Look More Attractive

To Look More Attractive to a man are having masculine features such as strong male cheekbones, wider chin dominant chin and chiselled jawline with the essence of strength with square shape, is typical of the superhero look.

To Look More Attractive for a woman is having female features such as youthful cheeks, optimised lips, and tapered heart shaped face, is the classic attractive female look.

Attraction is Aesthetic

Look Younger

To Look Younger, is to look more classically womanly beautiful, for women.

To look younger is to have more alpha masculine vigour, for a man.

Youth, is different for each individual, so such a request is explored deeper to understand what the younger look means to you.

Your Expression of Vitality

Look Less Tired

The expression of Tiredness comes from sunken depressed eyes.

Elevating angle, shape, and overall aesthetic health of the brow levels up the look.

Restoring sunken temple area, and reducing lateral wrinkle lines, re-inflates and rejuvenates

Re-volumising and Re-positioning deflated cheeks and eye bags, and wrinkles, returns vitality.

Wake up Beautiful.

Look Less Sad

The expression of sadness is predominantly a down turn, a negative angle of the brows, the eyes and the corners of the mouth

To Look Less Sad; softening the muscle pattern of the depressive muscles that pull the mouth down and elevating the angles of the face and brows results into a happier more joyful expression.

Happy from the Heart

Look Less Saggy

The look and feel of Saggy, is a sense of heaviness of the lower third of the face relative to the upper third. This gives a gravity burdened, aged look, of skin and structures draped over the face.

To Look Less Saggy; proportionising, the overall shape of the face by restoring volume of the upper and middle thirds and re-suspending tissues of the lower thirds will restore balance and harmony.

Defy Gravity and Elevate your look.

Look Less Angry

The expression of Anger comes from the frown, and down turned lower face.

To Look Less Angry; softening the muscle pattern of the frown will open up the face resulting in a kinder more approachable expression.

The frown can be turned upside down with various ways to elevate your expression

Lighten Up your look.

Look Slimmer

Looking rotund, and rounded, is indicative of less athleticism than that who are more defined, and refined.

To look slimmer; mastering lines, lights shapes and shadows in the appropriate areas, we curate a look of effortless harmony and slender that enhances the halo effect of health and physique.

Actively Attractive

Look More Masculine

Refined confidence is masculine.

To Look More Masculine, think of the strong, stoic, superhero.

We use your individual features to express your version of the masculinity that you have, externalised. The yang to your ying.

Defined, refined, sharp, hard lines and shadows.

Dramatic Effortless Handsome.

Look More Feminine

Youthful Kindness is Feminine.

To Look More Feminine, think of the soft, sultry, supermodel.

We use your individual features to express your version of the femininity that you have, externalised. The ying to your yang.

Smooth, softness and contoured, curves.

Elegant Effortless Beauty.