Patient Resources

For Your Information

Our Pledge

Our duty is to restore, enhance, maintain and protect your mental, social and physical health and wellbeing with the services and products we offer here at House of Ikigai.

As caring health professionals, we believe you are complex as an individual. The impact of treatments with your body, your mind and your self, makes every outcome unique.

It is therefore our duty, privilege, and honour to treat you as the unique person you are and work tirelessly to minimise uncertainty and empower you. We are compelled by the respect for the discipline and craft of aesthetic wellbeing to make the decision to treat in partnership with you to;

  • Minimise risk and make safe decisions for the strict benefit of your whole well being

  • Demonstrate our consistent commitment to learning through continuous development.

  • Make treatment decisions based on your whole wellbeing and not simply the monetary exchange

  • Say no to requests for treatment if we do not have sufficient certainty that it will enhance your whole wellbeing

We are always on your side. Ultimately, that is what being a healthcare professional means. So is as our sincere promise to you, to always act in your best interests.