
Look Your Best

1. Attractive people receive better job prospects

2. Individuals are more satisfied with attractive partners

3. Attractive people enjoy a higher quality of life

What is looksmaxing

What is Looksmaxing?

Looksmaxing is improving your attractiveness, with the focus on incremental practical changes that, together, give you an overall improvement in the way you look and feel.

Looksmaxing considers all elements that really effects the way you are seen by others. Let’s be honest, how others see us, our identity; is important to who we are.

3 Honest Truths

We want to be enough. We want to be loved. We want to belong.

That is why beauty is not shallow. Beauty is so deep, into our very being. It has existed from the beginning of time. The pursuit of beauty has always been, is always is, and will forever be, for as long as we connect with others.

Healthy is the New Sexy

Healthy is beautiful. This is the ultimate truth of attraction, the expression of longevity, strength, vitality and healthy genetics. Health is closely related to function and form, with a focus on your complete wellbeing , you will find that we improve your looks, and you completely.

This is the philosophy of looksmaxxing, improving your look through improving your life and your health, physically and mentally.

Pretty Proportions

Larger forehead, may be a sign of age, and hairloss. Disproportionate mid face, may be a sign of lack of complete facial development. Shortening of the vertical height and widening of the lower face may be a sign of dysfunction, such as grinding and clenching.

By understanding that each aspect effects the look of the other, you must consider all the pieces of the puzzle, to best look after you.

The harmonising of facial proportions can be assessed an managed and treated with appreciation of dentistry, habits, mental health, oral habits, posture, hairstyle, and facial aesthetics intervention. It is with this 360 approach you are truly looked after, with a personalised plan for your best outcomes.

Self Care is Self Love

If you want to be loved, then start with you. If you can’t love yourself, how can you expect anyone to love you?

Those who take care of themselves, express to the universe that they are worthy, ready to receive and welcoming of all the good that comes their way. You don’t have to be amazing to start, but you need to start to be amazing.

Selfcare is your fundamental, show up as the best version of you everyday. Invest the time to brush your teeth; massage your gums, look after your smile. Brighter whiter smiles are a sign of health and youth.

Invest the time to move your body; if you don’t use it, you lose it. Be kind with what you say to yourself. Be conscious with the food you feed yourself.

Your self love will shine through the way you walk, the way the talk, and the smile that your wear.

Your Body is Your Temple

Acne, spots, pimples, oily skin, dry skin, cracked skin, lines and wrinkles, redness and blemishes, age spots and pigmentation are all signs of your body being irritated by what you expose your body to.

Follow these 8 tips, to treat your body like some body you love.

  1. Keep protected from the sun- Sunglasses, hats and at least SPF 40 daily

  2. Hydrate adequately- 8 glasses/ 2 litres of water a day

  3. Nourish and fuel appropriately- 5 servings of fruit and veg a day

  4. Allow for rest and recovery- 6 hours of clean sleep

  5. Be mindful of food choices- Sugar, dairy, alcohol, and processed foods to avoid

  6. Be mindful of habits the harm- Smoking, and other bodily pollutions to avoid

  7. Be cautious of habits of excess; overeating, overworking, overthinking- Rest your mind and meditate

  8. Action positive fitness habits- Daily movement and at least 10,000 steps daily

Style & Grooming

What you wear, and how you wear it, is the expression of you, what you represent and what you stand for. The key, is how it all comes together, aligned and comfortable. The reason why manikins, look good is because it looks good, together. The reason why the clothes of a manikin does not look good on you is because it’s not personalised to you.

Your height, your size your ethnicity, your character, your lifestyle your profession, your personality, and your values is what your look and style expresses.

4 Things to consider:

Hygiene- Daily washing, considering smells and fragrances that suit you

Skincare- At home and clinic treatments, to manage and maintain skin health

Hairstyle- Age and style appropriate to suit you

Facial hair for men- Consider what the facial/ lack of facial hair effects the impression of you.

Facial Aesthetics

Non-surgical options, such as medical aesthetic injectables and clinical grade treatments can improve the way you look.

Treatments available include;

Wrinkle Reducing | Line Softening | Lip Proportionising | Cheek Contouring | Jawline Defining | Chin Harmonising | Nose ReShaping | Tear Trough Optimising | Temple Restoring | Profile Balancing

At House of Ikigai, we specialise in natural looking outcomes. By having a complete assessment of what your face needs, you get a personalised plan.

From softening muscle movement, with Botox® to boosting your skin quality, to restoration with Filler; there is something that will suit your needs. Book in today for your appointment today.

1. Lookism: The New Frontier of Employment Discrimination? (Warhurst Et al)
2. Physical attractiveness and dating choice: a test of the matching hypothesis, (Berscheid Et al)
3. Attractive faces are only average (Langlois Et al)